كمثل خفقة تنثر الياسمين
I can't live without you,i won't die,but i won't be alive.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
My Home
Felt that extreme cold touches.. it can even froze your soul itself.. cruel harsh nature and you are trying to just stay alive..
Walking.. walking and never reach your destination.. every now and then you find a spot you can feel it might be your final destination and you found out it’s like final destination horror movie..
Walk again.. and again.. sit.. like you are carrying tons of ice above your shoulders.. Feel nothing.. Wait nothing but die.. Waiting for death won’t be such a bad idea at that time..
When surrender.. when lose hope.. dreams.. the wish to fight for your life.. when lose everything else.. you see a light, faraway, you can tell it’s a destination.. is it your destination?
Do you have the strength to go up and try?
One more mile?
Can you believe it?
Maybe it is just a mirage.. like everything else? Will you go?
I went.. I gave myself another chance.. I shake the snow from my shoulders which piled for decades.. My 36 years starting the moment I was born.. the frozen soul over the years, like living in an ice desert ..
I went.. i followed my heart promising myself it would be the last time i will ever let the lead to my heart..
I went.. to the light.. like a butterfly, i though if i got burnet it will be the end of the road and i may catch my breath in heaven or hell, or it might be my last chance to find my last destination.. my home..
I let go.. I gave my heart the lead.. and it led me to my home.. a cozy warm spot in the ice desert..
A little cottage in the middle of the ice desert.. i found it.. It wasn’t a mirage.. it was my final destination.. My home.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
The End
It could ruin the whole life.. If you are waiting for the end of a life or a love story.. It could ruin the whole story before it even starts.. And it could ruin the life.. It will ruin the sweetness of the beginnings..
“The Ending” my first concern, It is my defense mechanism to stop your invasion into my deepest..
A defense mechanism to hide into my shell.. I think of the end to avoid the whole story.. Why go through a painful sweet story while I know the end..
Prediction? To predict the expected is not a prediction, I expect the sweetness of the beginnings.. shiny like a diamond ring with a touch of a sunray.. tender as a jasmine rose.. Cold breath in a hot summer day..
A blossom touches the deepest point in your soul.. crawling inside slowly, till tighten its grip on your heart.. then, the end begins..
Starting to squeeze your heart slowly minute by minute then crash it and leave it as smashed meet ball, bleeding in misery..
It is not a pridection it is happining already from the beginning of creation to the end of existence.. Everything has an end.. starting with phone calls to the life itself.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
*A sound of the Alarm ringing*
I woke up every day wish to close my eyes again and stay in bed, and a question pop up in my head! CAN YOU? My conscious asked.
I stay silent for a an eye blink then I answer No, I can’t.
If I answered yes, I’d be a cowered not facing my responsibilities and accept them.
That can lead me to another direction, Do I love my responsibilities??
My deep deep conscious –what does it call?- will answer NO.
But my awake mind is programmed to respect its responsibilities and deal with them, putting much effort to make the job done, even if I don’t like it, I think my mom has raised me up well.
What was the first idea of that blog? Oh, my sleep disorder due to my responsibilities, which I’m not that good doing them, but I swear to God I’m doing my best even if it’s not enough still count as the best I can do.
Did my responsibilities have shown up by their own? No, it was my choice, to be part of a family, get married and have kids, I can count that a bad idea which my mom told me “You have to be married and have kids” , yet she was always encouraging me to have a career “You have to have a job” , She wanted me to have her life, married with children, and her dream life, to have a career.
When rethinking.. Was it really my choice? Or have I got married only to make her happy? She didn’t live the two lives so she has no idea how hard to have the both.
Sorry for distracting you!! I know I do, but that’s how my mind is working, a million idea at the same time.
Back to the main idea, I have responsibilities, I don’t love them, but I have to deal with them.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Transformers 2
Monday, January 16, 2012
Transformers 1
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
ليتني أستطعت أن أمحوك من ذاكرتي
كيف سأرفض حبك و سأنتقم لجرحك لي..
سأقول أنني تخطيتك ووضعتك علي رفوف ذكرياتي..
سأقول أنني توقفت عن حبك يوم محوتني مما أنتمي له..
سأقول أنني أتمني لك حظا سعيدا مع أمرأة غيري..
لم أقل شئ الا أحبك.. لم أجد غيرها لأقوله..ولن أجد غيرها لأقوله.. أحبك
ألجمتني المفاجأة.. ربما لأنك عدت فجأة و بلا مقدمات..
ربما لأنك عدت حين تشابهت أيامي بغيابك عني..
ربما لأنك عدت حين توقفت عن أنتظارك..
ليس لأنني توقفت عن حبك.. ولكن لأنني تعبت من الأنتظار.. مللته ..الي حد السأم
لماذا رحلت ان كنت تنوي العودة؟
ولماذا عدت ان كنت سترحل مرة اخري؟
Saturday, November 27, 2010
أتذكر لقاءنا الأول؟
أتذكر كم كان لقاءا عجيبا؟ لم تكن أنت في وضع المسيطر كما تحب دائما.. لم تخترقني كما ظننت و كما قلت أنك ستفعل.. أخترقتك أنا.. تبادلنا الادوار.. لم تدر أنت من اين تبدأ و أنا !!.. أنا في قمة الجرأة مذهولة من نفسي..
كيف تبادلنا الادوار؟ أفكر كثيرا.. عندما أستعيد اللحظة.. أدرك الأن أنك لم ترغبني كما رغبتك.. لم تشتهيني كما أشتهيتك.
واضحة أنا مع نفسي.. لا أخجل مما أشعر.. لا أدعي الفضيلة و أشتهي الخطيئة بداخلي..
لم تكن تريدني.. أدرك هذا الأن فقط.. لم تريدني قط.. فقط احببت رغبتي فيك و اشتهائي لك.
حيرة غبية تتملكني كلما تذكرتك..لا أدري لماذا؟ تحيرني رغبتي فيك دون ان أعرفك.. تحيرني "أنا" لأنها تقبل منك ما ترفضه بشدة من غيرك.. تحيرني تلك "المرأة" التي أتحول اليها لحظة ان تحادثني.. من هي؟ من أين تأتي؟
أكانت بداخلي كل هذه السنين و لم أرها ألا معك؟
من انت؟ لماذا أنت؟ لماذا أنا؟...ما هذا !!!
كم غريب من الأسئلة كلما تذكرتك و تنتهي كما بدأت بالحيرة البلهاء.. لأنني لا أجد أية أجابات لأسئلتي تلك.. ولكن فقط حين أتذكر لحظاتي القليلة معك لا أشعر بالذنب.. أشعر أنني فعلت ما كان يجب أن أفعله منذ لحظة أن عرفتك.